ED2011 4/5 Reviews ED2011 Comedy Reviews

5-Step Guide To Being German – Free (Paco Erhard / Free Festival)

By | Published on Friday 12 August 2011

With jokes about the War alongisde a healthy sprinkling of F-words and C-words, it seems that this free show takes no time to get stuck into the predictable. And yet Erhard manages to present an amusing account of the expected nationalist clichés without depending on them entirely; his sharp and recognisably cringeworthy observations of the British on holiday serve only to gauge his capacity to identify the strangeness of stereotyping nations. A clever closing unifying twist demands a rethink of the whole show. Can there really be just five steps to becoming part of a nation? Find out, and try to bag yourself a good seat – or, perhaps, lounger (towels not necessary).

Laughing Horse at The Three Sisters, 5 – 28 Aug (not 8, 13, 20, 27), 6.00pm (6.45), free, fpp75.
tw rating 4/5