ED2011 1/5 Reviews ED2011 Comedy Reviews

Lewis Schaffer Is Free Until Famous – 18th Year Lewis Schaffer

By | Published on Friday 19 August 2011

Do you have a perverse urge to watch a harrowing midlife crisis unfold before your eyes? If so, reserve front row seats for jaded 54-year-old divorcé Lewis Schaffer’s nightmarish performance: his harrowingly confessional act contains more uncomfortable navel-gazing than Portsmouth dockyard’s dilapidated viewing gallery. Disarming humility and dry irreverence are admirable virtues in moderation, but an entire set devoted to brutal self-flagellation, dated misogyny and appalling jokes about the Holocaust quickly becomes whiny and embarrassing. He delights in playing the masochist and misanthrope, so I’m sure he won’t mind receiving another caustic one star review. If you love solemn anti-comedy, see Edward Aczel, Andrew Lawrence or Stewart Lee instead – you have several Schaffer bets.

Laughing Horse at The Counting House, 4 – 28 Aug, 7.30pm (8.30pm), free, fpp109.
tw rating: 1/5