ED2011 4/5 Reviews ED2011 Comedy Reviews

Oliver Meech Live Brain Surgery – Free (Oliver Meech / Laughing Horse Festival)

By | Published on Friday 12 August 2011

Despite both Oliver Meech’s medical attire and the title’s suggestion of on-stage neurosurgery, it transpires that ‘Live Brain Surgery’ is in fact a more abstract affair. Using a combination of brain-related trivia and a penchant for psychological magic, this show aims to baffle and amuse with a series of audience-participation tricks. Meech is funny and endearing, peppering the gig with a lot of well-pitched gags and foreshadowing further tricks with impressive showmanship. However, this show uses many techniques we’ve seen before and one can’t help but think this is like a smaller-scale Derren Brown performance. Nevertheless, the concept is fun, the audience are impressed and Meech’s presentation is excellent – well worth a look.

Laughing Horse at The Three Sisters, 5 – 28 Aug (not 16), 6.30pm (7.30pm), free, fpp5.
tw rating 4/5