ED2011 4/5 Reviews ED2011 Comedy Reviews

Pockets Of Suspense (Relax, Eat And Breathe / Laughing Horse Free Festival)

By | Published on Thursday 25 August 2011

‘Pockets of Suspense’ is a fitting title for this show, as the denouement of each sketch routinely holds an amusing, yet often morbid, surprise. The two performers, who proved very amiable indeed, delightfully enacted eighteen short sketches, covering topics like family oddities, an overly inept detective, or strange encounters between friends. The performance space was small, and the props non-existent, but the actors still managed to pull off an entirely convincing show. It must be admitted, however, that the macabre punchlines and, at times, consciously revolting references, were not to everyone’s liking. Nevertheless, ‘Pockets of Suspense’ proved entertaining for most of those who stayed for the full forty-five minutes. Time well spent indeed.

Laughing Horse at Espionage, 8 – 27 Aug, 1.35pm (2.20pm), free, fpp135.
tw rating 4/5