ED2011 4/5 Reviews ED2011 Comedy Reviews

This Is Soap (C Theatre)

By | Published on Tuesday 9 August 2011

There isn’t much of a set, and the costume changes come down to nothing more than the removal of a coat or putting on glasses but ‘This Is Soap’ by the C Theatre group, does perfectly well without these props. The cast are funny, charming and display great awkward chemistry, and Joseph Morpurgo in particular is staggeringly witty in every role he plays. The odd long pause and stiff jokes do occur, but my only real problem is that it’s not longer – another 20 minutes would have been great. Almost entirely improvised, and full of audience interaction, this camp comedy will have you pleading for more. Even ending on a cliff-hanger, if ‘This Is Soap’ was a real series I might start watching TV again.

C Venues, 3 – 29 Aug, 1.15pm (2.05pm), £5.50 – £8.50, fpp157.
tw rating 4/5