ED2012 2/5 Reviews ED2012 Comedy Reviews

Sean Hegarty And Tom O’Mahoney Live – Free

By | Published on Monday 6 August 2012

Did someone pull these guys off the street? It’s easy to imagine after watching Irish boys Sean Hegarty and Tom O’Mahoney struggle to get through an hour of stand-up comedy. Hegarty seemed as if he hadn’t prepared enough material, struggling after twenty minutes into a half hour set. O’Mahoney pulled off his routine with confidence and ease, but the jokes were only almost funny, never getting more than a few chuckles out of the audience. The only reason neither completely died on their backsides was because both were pretty likeable, and their charisma saved them from having a completely dismal show. Sadly for these guys, likeability does not a comedy show make, and comedy was mostly lacking here.

Captain Taylor’s Coffee House, 3-26 Aug, 3.45pm.
tw rating 2/5 | [Patricia-Ann Young]