ED2012 2/5 Reviews ED2012 Dance & Physical Theatre Reviews

Contains Spoilers (TrashDollys Dance Company)

By | Published on Sunday 12 August 2012

‘Contains Spoilers’ appeared to be a piece in conflict with itself. On one hand, it contained wonderful dancing, with plenty of finesse from the two performers and some truly stand-out moments, such as the incorporation of breakdancing. However, this fantastic dancing was often obscured by the staging: too many props resulted in an overly busy stage, and the combination of a photography studio set, a large screen, vintage clothing and other paraphernalia only served to make the set resemble a hipster’s paradise, meaning that the choreography wasn’t allowed to shine through in the way it deserved to. Sadly, there was also a glaring technical error during this particular performance and much of the imagery confused various audience members.

Zoo Southside, 6-11 Aug, 2.30 pm.
tw rating 2/5 | [Beth Dawson]