ED2012 3/5 Reviews ED2012 Dance & Physical Theatre Reviews

Fall To The Top (Entita Theatre)

By | Published on Friday 31 August 2012

Performing the Scottish Play at the Fringe is a rite of passage, and this young cast deal well with this material beyond their years. Relocating ‘Macbeth’ to the world of high finance, the show sees Duncan as CEO of the Royal Scottish Bank. Matt, spellbound by the wiles of secretary Beth, frames Duncan’s murder as a suicide. The physical aspects of the show are well-conceived and very well-performed, but the textual aspects feel a little forced, while the play suffers from its modernisation and the leads’ descent into madness and paranoia becomes melodramatic, not poignant. However, the supporting cast, especially the cleaners and Ben, shine as they speculate on the mysterious death of Duncan.

Greenside, 13-17 Aug, 12.35pm.
tw rating 3/5 | [Joanna Gill]