ED2012 1/5 Reviews ED2012 Dance & Physical Theatre Reviews

Fragment (A Mused Collective)

By | Published on Sunday 12 August 2012

If there could be a prize for enthusiasm, this group would definitely win. There was so much misplaced energy on stage it looked as though they had been fed on hope and rehearsed in a room without mirrors. The music occasionally saves the show, but doesn’t lift it above the average. Often with fringe performances the beginning can be off-key but it builds into something special. This show bucks that trend. I’m surprised the dancers don’t have more injuries, the amount of dramatic falls they inflicted on the floor, though the real pain was inflicted on the eyes of the audience. The narrative was very simple, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. In this case it was toxic.

Greenside, 8-18 Aug, 4.05pm
tw rating 1/5 | [Joanna Gill]