ED2013 4/5 Reviews ED2013 Dance & Physical Theatre Reviews

Spiltmilk Say Dance (Spiltmilk Dance)

By | Published on Tuesday 6 August 2013

Some dance steps are so timeless that they’re instantly recognisable. From the Jive, to the Charleston, through to even Gangam Style, ‘Spiltmilk Say Dance’ takes us through the evolution of popular dancing. Three female dancers perform the most emblematic dancing styles from present to past; while the music is presented from the modern to the classical. The resulting combination is a humorous mix of Mozart with the Macarena, and Frank Sinatra with Saturday Night Fever. At the same time, the perfectly synchronised choreography will make the hand-jivings and flip-flappings seem less complex than you originally thought. Keen dancers will immediately connect to this impressive mixture of beats and movements, while the not-so-keen might just consider looking out those leg-warmers.

C nova, until 26 Aug (not 13), 3.45pm.
tw rating 4/5 | [Natalia Equihua]