ED2013 4/5 Reviews ED2013 Theatre Reviews

Dustpan Odyssey (Compagnie Philippe Genty)

By | Published on Saturday 31 August 2013

For the first 10 minutes of this performance, as I watched the tremendous puppeteers transform household objects into a bounty of mythical characters embarking on a sailing adventure, I suffered unexplainable pangs of discomfort. It was only when during a storm-sequence, the puppeteers began to drench each-other with water and throw themselves heavily to the floor, that I realised the source of my worry. Genty and co are the childhood friend who was terrifically, deliriously fun to make-believe with, but got you into trouble for the resultant household destruction. Except now, watch the sumptuous tale-weaving, the reckless abandon, the naughty bits and the arguments over who gets to play the main character next – and worry not about losing this week’s pocket-money.

New Town Theatre, until 25 Aug, 12.10pm
tw rating 4/5 | [Kate Pasola]