ED2013 2/5 Reviews ED2013 Theatre Reviews

Oresteia (Cambridge University ADC)

By | Published on Saturday 3 August 2013

Playing games with the classics can sometimes see you getting your fingers burned. Intriguingly transporting the mythology of Agamemnon and Orestes to the dicey world of casinos, game shows and super-stardom, Cambridge University ADC sadly fail to quite play their cards right with this production. Whilst creating clever stereotypes of age-old characters – Electra the punky gamer, Oresteia the angsty karate kid – this is a production suffocating under the influence of too many creative ideas. Worthy of a watch for the die-hard classicist, it leaves the general audience with little sense of the show’s actual game-plan as erratic changes of narrative perspective make a puzzling jigsaw of a great story and what could have been a promising premise for adaptation.

C, until 17 Aug, 7.30pm.
tw rating 2/5 | [Katharine Wootton]