ED2013 1/5 Reviews ED2013 Art Reviews

Traverse Through Time – The Exhibition (Richard Demarco OBE)

By | Published on Tuesday 27 August 2013

I think that ‘obscure’ and ‘unprofessional’ would be the most accurate words to describe this exhibition, marking the Traverse Theatre’s fiftieth anniversary, and the fact that many members of Summerhall staff don’t seem to acknowledge its existence only heightens this feeling. It seems such a shame that an organisation that has made such a big difference to Edinburgh’s cultural scene over half a century is celebrated in this way, a slapdash collection of artifacts with none of the explanatory labels that usually accompany exhibits of this kind. Granted, the exhibition is meant to complement a series of talks on the same subject, but with its own listing in the Fringe Programme this collection poses just one question: why has the Traverse been treated with such a travesty?

Summerhall, until 25 Aug, 11.00am.
tw rating 1/5| [Iris Ordean]