ED2015 4/5 Reviews ED2015 Theatre Reviews

The Night Watch (Antonia Goddard Productions in association with Jethro Compton Productions)

By | Published on Thursday 13 August 2015

The Nightwatch

There’s a strong grasp of what makes good drama on display throughout ‘The Night Watch’: unity of time, place and action, coupled with three complex characters and the resultant interpersonal conflicts. The arrival of a Spaniard in an English army encampment kick-starts both the plot – just who is she? – and a number of surprisingly sophisticated debates on the morality of warfare, and the justification of Britain invading a foreign country. The setting may be Napoleonic, but the contemporary parallels are clear to see. It’s these blistering exchanges between the Captain and Delilah that really spark on stage, and writer/director Antonia Goddard deserves credit for trusting the audience and leaving subtext as is, resisting the urge to explain everything.

C nova, until 31 Aug.
tw rating 4/5 | [Andrew Leask]